Category Archives: Diet

Getting Kids to Eat their Veggies

Half of the kids’ plate each mealtime should be filled with vegetables and fruits.  Working as a nanny, I had to come up with some special ways to get my kids eat their veggies. Dinnertime should be pleasant and not a battle. I hope these ideas will stir some interest:

  1. Be a role model and make the same meal for everyone.  If kids see you eating a lot of vegetables, they most likely will try them too. That means, you have to eat a healthy meal, but there is no need to prepare a separate meal for your child.  Show your child that you really love your veggies and make them interested.  Always add a favorite food on the side.
  2.      Make your kid’s plate more fun. Create faces with vegetables  and let children play with their food. For example: make a “hedgehog” by sticking different vegetables into the hummus dip, an octopus or make pizza faces. Make a mashed potato snowman. Use corn for eyes, peas for buttons, and carrot for nose and string bean for mouth.  You can easily cut a toast into different shapes with cookie cutters.
  3.  Make dipping sauces. Kids love to dip their food in sauces such as honey mustard or ketchup. You can make your own too. For instance, mix Greek yogurt with a little bit of ranch; prepare Tzatziki sauce, mix hummus with mashed avocado.
  4. Be sneaky and hide vegetables in your child’s favorite food. Roasting vegetables is a great way to make them sweet and soft and appealing to children who don’t like raw vegetables. Blend vegetables and then add them to pasta sauces or pizza sauces. Grate zucchini and carrots or mash cooked sweet potatoes and add them to pancakes batter.
  5. Involve your kids in dinner preparations. Let them cut some of the vegetables with safety knives. You will see them soon nibbling on their veggies. Prepare meals from children cooking books. Make “power smoothies” mixing veggies with fruits. My kids tend to eat better every time I allow them to help me cook.
  6. Shop with your kids. Let them pick their vegetables, smell them and ask what they would like to eat for dinner. Give them 2-3 choices to pick from.  Kids love to see that their opinion counts.
  7. Make it a rule to always try a new food. You must smell, take a bite, swallow it and if you don’t like, then you don’t have to eat it. Never give up, continue to introduce new foods because you may be amazed.
  8. Promise an award. Offer them dessert or promise a movie picnic if they eat some of their veggies.

Simple, Healthy and Kid-friendly Breakfast Recipes

Eating a healthy breakfast is essential for maintaining energy and attention. In addition to the bowl of cereal, eggs and pancakes, quick breads are easy, tasty and nutritious if they are prepared with healthy ingredients. I have two favorite quick breads that are proven to be kid friendly.

Basic Reduced-Fat, Blueberry Muffins

Preheat oven to 400 Fahrenheit. Grease a standard 12-muffin pan or line with paper cups.

Directions: Whisk together:

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour (you can substitute 2/3 cup with whole-wheat flour)
  • 1/2 to 2/3 cup brown sugar
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

Whisk together in another bowl:

  • 1 large egg
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil or 3 ½ tablespoons warm melted unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup of nonfat milk
  • 1 ½ cups fresh or frozen blueberries

Mix together the mixtures with a few light strokes. Sprinkle the tops with cinnamon and sugar (optional). Baking time: about 18 minutes. Let it cool for 3 minutes.

Oatmeal Scones with Raisins or Dates

 Preheat oven to 450 Fahrenheit. Have ready a large ungreased baking sheet. Whisk together:

  • 1 ½  cups all-purpose flour
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 ¼ cups old-fashioned rolled oats
  • ½ cup raisins or chopped dates

In another bowl:

  • 1 large egg
  • 10 tablespoons (1 ¼ sticks) warm melted unsalted butter
  • 1/3 cup low-fat milk

Mix together until the dry ingredients are moistened. The batter will be sticky. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface. Pat the dough into an 8-inch round about ¾ inch thick. Cut into 8 or 12 wedges. Using a spatula, place the wedges at least ½ inch apart on the baking sheet. Bake about 10 to 12 minutes.

Source: Irma S. Rombauer, Marion Becker, Ethan Becker. Joy of Cooking. Scribner: New York, 1997.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

I find summer to be the best time to lose weight because it gives you more opportunities to be active and this time of year farmers markets and local grocery stores are packed with fresh fruits and vegetables.  I’m not a fan of magical weight loss pills or starvation strategies. My sister tried the latter, which left her less healthy as she was before. There are many popular diet plans, such as low- carb and low-fat diet plans. Regardless of the diet you choose, studies show that most participants have dramatic weight loss after six months, losing an average of 13 pounds. The most basic rule is to cut calories and don’t forget to exercise!

Once you lose weight, it is very difficult to keep it off.  Make sure you include superfoods that will help you maintain a healthy weight, such as eggs, beans, salad and green tea. For a complete list of 15 top picks, visit Be aware that besides the types of food, serving sizes are important too in order to reduce calories.

How does a healthy serving size look like? Check out the following:

Print out this guide:

How to control portion sizes?

  • Serve your meals on small  plates
  • Buy one serving sized snacks
  • Share your meals with a friend when dining out
  • Ask for small size portion, or take the leftover home
  • Use the Great Plate idea


Is Coffee Healthy?

I’ve been using Moka pot, steam-based stovetop expresso maker for the last 14 years and it is certainly a rewarding experience. The smell of the brewing coffee and the hissing sound it creates when boiling water, are what I find to be most exciting.  I drink about 2 cups a day, and tried to reduce the amount in the past because I thought it has more side effects than benefits. However, recent research states that consumption of coffee in moderation may have positive effects on health. Enjoy your coffee, but don’t overdo it!

Possible health benefits of a pure cup of coffee

  • Boosts your metabolism
  • Lowers the risk for dementia
  • Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Reduces the risk of liver damage
  • Drinking more than 1 cup of coffee per day lowers the risk of stroke by up to 25%
  • Offer benefits for the function of the brain and may improve short-term memory. May reduce the risk of Parkinson and Alzheimer disease
  • May reduce the risk of developing gallstones

Negative effects

  • for some people, too much caffeine can cause irregular heartbeats, difficulty with diabetes, stomach upset, anxiety or migraines
  • caffeine may increase the risk of miscarriage, so pregnant women should reduce their coffee intake to a low level, for example one cup a day
  • linked with excessive drinking, which is more than 6 cups of coffee per day

Here are some tips recommended by Dr. Oz to brew your coffee without affecting its healthy properties:

  • Coarsely ground is better than finely ground because finer grinds are more exposed to air and destroy the antioxidant benefits. Use the ground beans immediately, so you won’t lose the benefits.
  • Choose American roast instead of French. Long roasting destroys the caffeic acid- cancer-fighting compound.
  • Caffeine contains kahweol and cafestol, which both raise cholesterol levels. You can reduce these substances by using paper filters.
  • The best way to brew your coffee to reduce the acid that causes stomach upset is letting coffee brew in cold water overnight. You can than filter it and add hot water, but avoid using microwave. Microwaving destroys a lot of health benefits of the coffee.


  • Quiz: The Super Powers of Coffee

Breakfast on the Run

Why you should always start your day with a healthy breakfast? Breakfast is a key to health and weight management. Studies show that people, who start their day with a good meal, consume fewer calories throughout a day. They also have a better mood and attention during the day.

Tips and healthy recipes for busy families

Buy healthy cereal. Keep 4 rules in mind:

  • high fiber.  According to the American Heart Association, total fiber intake for an adult should be 25 to 30 grams a day from food. Choose cereals with at least 5 grams of fiber per serving.
  • low sugar. Target for a cereal that has 5 grams of sugar or less per serving and less than 25 grams of carbohydrate per serving.
  • low fat. In order to maintain a healthy weight, look for cereals with less than 150 calories per serving.

I always try new cereals and pay close attention to the nutrition labels before I buy. If I don’t like one, I try mixing it until it works for me. Add sliced banana, berries, honey, brown sugar or sugar substitutes for a richer flavor. Honey boosts energy, the immune system, slows down the aging process and protects against cancers. For more information regard choosing the right breakfast cereal, check out the following website:

Home-made smoothies. You can make it a night before and store it in the refrigerator. Choose unflavored low-fat or fat free yogurts, add fruits of your choice, honey.  If you get flavored yogurts, there is no need to add any sweetener since fruit yogurt contains sugar. For a high-fiber smoothie, add one serving of any whole-wheat dry cereal or ground flax seed.  Flax seeds are not only a good source of fiber, but omega-3 fats too. Add milk or orange juice. Enjoy!

Cut coffee calories

Use brown sugar to sweeten your coffee because it has a richer flavor than white sugar, so you likely will use less. Translation: fewer calories! Splenda substitute sugar is a safe choice and most of the coffee shops offer them.  If you buy the coffee, order “skinny” versions made with skim milk and no whipped cream.

Prepare breakfast and freeze the leftover

Whenever you have time make a large amount of whole-wheat or buckwheat waffles, pancakes, muffins, breads or French toast. Freeze the excess in plastic bags. Then just pop a serving into the microwave or toaster on weekday mornings.

Organic Microwaved Oatmeal (1 serving)


  • 1 packet instant oatmeal (unflavored)
  • 1/4 cup fresh fruits or dried fruits
  • 1 tablespoon chopped nuts
  • Cinnamon (optional)
  • 1/2 cup-2/3 cup low-fat milk

Microwave directions: Blend all ingredients together in a microwave-safe bowl. Cook on high for about 75 seconds.

Breakfast Berry Smoothie (2 servings)


  • 2 cups sliced berries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1/2 cup low-fat milk
  • honey or brown sugar (optional)
  • 1 vanilla, peach or mango yogurt
  • 4-5 ice cubs
    Directions: Add all the ingredients to a blender or large food processor. Cover and process until smooth.

Healthier Choices to Sweets

Do you feel that your sweet tooth is getting out of control? Munching on a honey-maple scone in the morning make you craving another treat two hours later? You are not alone and everyone who eats sweets experiences this sugar cravings. The reason is that sugar is a carbohydrate that quickly satisfies hunger, but is a short-term energy booster, leaving you soon craving for more. Little changes from sweets to whole and natural foods are your first steps to weight loss and a better health. Here are some tips how I choose healthy alternatives.

Sip water, skip juice. Sometimes when you are craving for sweets, you are just dehydrated! If you feel you are hungry an hour after a meal, you are probably thirsty.  So, carry a bottle of water or tea with you to fight those sugar attacks.

Eat fruits and vegetables. Instead of drinking juice, eat fruits or vegetables because it takes longer time and contain several essential vitamins. Plus, they have more fiber content than juice and will satisfy your hunger for a much longer period of time. Most fruits are low in sugar, but try to limit the intake of fruits that are high in sugar such as bananas, mangos, grapes, kiwi, oranges, pineapple and tangerines.

Grab a granola bar or power bar.  Stock your pantry with them because they are good alternatives to candy bars. Some of them taste like candy, yet are better providers of protein and energy. My favorite is the Luna brand with 70 percent of organic ingredients and packed with important vitamins created especially for women.

Choose frozen yogurt in place of ice cream. Frozen yogurt has a              sweet and creamy taste, which makes you feel like you are having a treat but with fewer calories. Here is a link to delicious chocolate frozen yogurt that I’ve tried: My suggestion is to use nonfat Greek yogurt instead of plain low-fat yogurt. Stonefield organic, nonfat frozen yogurt is also one of my favorites.

If you still can’t beat cravings, you could be addicted to sugary and fatty foods. You can read interesting new findings about sugar cravings and Dr. Mehmet Oz recommendations on

Pick healthy alternatives to fast food

(Google source)

Before moving to the United States, I used to make meals from scratch because fast food, ready-meals and processed foods were not available. Being busy and having limited time for cooking, often feel the urge to get junk food from the fast food restaurant or store.  I can’t cut out fast food completely from my diet, and I eat it once in a while to satisfy my cravings. But I always remind myself to stick to my healthy choice plan and continue with my healthy lifestyle.

Tips for achieving success

Have healthy alternatives in your kichen. This can avoid you to run and get fast food. Sliced whole grain bread, cheese, deli meat and washed lettuce can make you fix a sandwich in minutes. I always have pre-washed lettuce, ready cut vegetables that make cooking faster.

  Cut and cook a large amount of healthy food and freeze for a later time. I always store diced vegetables, herbs, such as parsley and cilantro in the freezer. Unused frozen portions of meals can be defrosted in the microwave and ready in a matter of minutes.

♦  Eat fast-food guilt-free.    A healthy alternative to deep-frying is baking or grilling and you will save significant calories and fat grams. Try grilling chicken with Teriyaki sauce and prepare chicken sandwiches or add it to your favorite salads. Make sure you peel the chicken skin off before serving. You can make the best lean turkey or beef burgers if you choose the right seasonings and toppings: cilantro, basil leaves, garlic, roasted red bell pepper, feta cheese and avocado. Instead of bread, serve the burgers on steamed red quinoa. Or roll it up in whole-grain pita bread. Breaded chicken, fish sticks taste great baked. Make sure you use cooking oil spray instead of oil.  It’s tasty with Tzatziki sauce or plain yogurt mixed with hummus. As a substitute for potatoes chips, prepare popcorn with low-fat butter or  healthy yummy French fries.

French fries recipe:  

  • 2 lbs large Russet potatoes or sweet potatoes                                           
  • sea salt
  • herbs or spices: dried oregano, rosemary, black pepper or chili powder
  • Heat oven to 400 Fahrenheit. Cut the potatoes skinny and place them on sheet pans in a single layer. Spray with the cooking spray and toss. Sprinkle with sea salt. Bake for about 30 minutes, flipping only once the potatoes. Add the seasonings at the end.  These go really well with turkey burgers! Enjoy!