Breakfast on the Run

Why you should always start your day with a healthy breakfast? Breakfast is a key to health and weight management. Studies show that people, who start their day with a good meal, consume fewer calories throughout a day. They also have a better mood and attention during the day.

Tips and healthy recipes for busy families

Buy healthy cereal. Keep 4 rules in mind:

  • high fiber.  According to the American Heart Association, total fiber intake for an adult should be 25 to 30 grams a day from food. Choose cereals with at least 5 grams of fiber per serving.
  • low sugar. Target for a cereal that has 5 grams of sugar or less per serving and less than 25 grams of carbohydrate per serving.
  • low fat. In order to maintain a healthy weight, look for cereals with less than 150 calories per serving.

I always try new cereals and pay close attention to the nutrition labels before I buy. If I don’t like one, I try mixing it until it works for me. Add sliced banana, berries, honey, brown sugar or sugar substitutes for a richer flavor. Honey boosts energy, the immune system, slows down the aging process and protects against cancers. For more information regard choosing the right breakfast cereal, check out the following website:

Home-made smoothies. You can make it a night before and store it in the refrigerator. Choose unflavored low-fat or fat free yogurts, add fruits of your choice, honey.  If you get flavored yogurts, there is no need to add any sweetener since fruit yogurt contains sugar. For a high-fiber smoothie, add one serving of any whole-wheat dry cereal or ground flax seed.  Flax seeds are not only a good source of fiber, but omega-3 fats too. Add milk or orange juice. Enjoy!

Cut coffee calories

Use brown sugar to sweeten your coffee because it has a richer flavor than white sugar, so you likely will use less. Translation: fewer calories! Splenda substitute sugar is a safe choice and most of the coffee shops offer them.  If you buy the coffee, order “skinny” versions made with skim milk and no whipped cream.

Prepare breakfast and freeze the leftover

Whenever you have time make a large amount of whole-wheat or buckwheat waffles, pancakes, muffins, breads or French toast. Freeze the excess in plastic bags. Then just pop a serving into the microwave or toaster on weekday mornings.

Organic Microwaved Oatmeal (1 serving)


  • 1 packet instant oatmeal (unflavored)
  • 1/4 cup fresh fruits or dried fruits
  • 1 tablespoon chopped nuts
  • Cinnamon (optional)
  • 1/2 cup-2/3 cup low-fat milk

Microwave directions: Blend all ingredients together in a microwave-safe bowl. Cook on high for about 75 seconds.

Breakfast Berry Smoothie (2 servings)


  • 2 cups sliced berries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1/2 cup low-fat milk
  • honey or brown sugar (optional)
  • 1 vanilla, peach or mango yogurt
  • 4-5 ice cubs
    Directions: Add all the ingredients to a blender or large food processor. Cover and process until smooth.

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